How Quickly Refresh And Relax Tired Face? - Sky techz

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Thursday, May 24, 2018

How Quickly Refresh And Relax Tired Face?


You received a phone call from a friend or inviting friends to a party and will pick you up in half an hour.

Without But you’ve had a really hard day of work and weariness reflected in your face. Even try of makeup, but you can not hide the fatigue. Then, you wonder what I can be scared do to cool my face and not notice the work and stress of the day?

The answer to this question lies in your own home and especially in your kitchen, as There are natural products (fruits, vegetables, etc. . ) that can make your face looks fresh and smooth.

A Then we provide simple tips to refresh your skin matter of minutes:

1. Take a fresh cucumber and cut into slices. Then place them on your face for five minutes. It is important that when applied slices fresh cucumber on your face, you’re relaxing on a sofa or bed. After five minutes, wash the face thoroughly. If you have cucumbers, I can also use cucumber juice and get the same results.

2. If you have roses in your garden, you can use the petals of three roses which must be placed in a cup of cold water. water and then place the petals in a mixer. The juice obtained must be placed on the face through a number of cotton balls. Allow you to remain in his face from five to ten minutes (Especially in the area of your eyes.) You will feel like new.

3. If you have yogurt in your refrigerator, you can use to refresh your face. You should only take two tablespoons, and apply directly lying yogurt on the skin of his face from five to ten minutes. If you have dry skin, you can mix the yogurt with a tablespoon of olive oil. An after the time indicated, rinsed with hot water, and then cold water.

4. If your kitchen you have eggs, I can apply a mask that not only refreshes the face but also rejuvenates. To do this, you must apply the white of two eggs on his face and neck and leave it set for 10 minutes. Then you should wash full face with heated water (not too hot and very cold).

5. Add a few drops of lemon juice in a spoon of honey. Mix and apply on your face and neck. Wash completely after10 15 minutes. His face will shine with freshness.

6. If your kitchen is a banana and honey, you can apply the refreshing mask. To this end, must mash the bananas, then mix with honey. Apply on face and wash with fresh water after 15 minutes.

If you have a potato in your kitchen, you can use to achieve refreshing beauty mask. In that sense, you must cut the potato into slices and then put it in a cup of cold water ( or ice). Once the last few minutes, you can apply the potato chunks in the face by 15 minutes. After that time, remove potatoes and wash thoroughly with fresh water.


You received a phone call from a friend or inviting friends to a party and will pick you up in half an hour.Without But you’ve had a really hard day of work and weariness reflected in your face. Even try of makeup, but you can not hide the fatigue...